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Wireless router on a table.

If web pages aren’t loading or , resetting your router and modem is one of the first things you should try, as it can fix a slew of Wi-Fi or Internet connection problems.

如果网页没有加载或 ,则重置路由器和调制解调器是您应尝试的第一件事,因为它可以解决一系列Wi-Fi或Internet连接问题。

This works just like rebooting your Windows PC when you’re having issues. The software on your router and modem will shut down and restart in a fresh state. When you restart your modem, it will reconnect to your Internet service provider (ISP). Some routers—especially older ones—can slow down over time as they run. This is a software problem, and .

这就像遇到问题时重新启动Windows PC一样。 路由器和调制解调器上的软件将关闭并以全新状态重启。 当您重新启动调制解调器时,它将重新连接到Internet服务提供商(ISP)。 一些路由器(尤其是较旧的路由器)在运行时会随着时间的推移而变慢。 这是一个软件问题, 。

找到路由器和调制解调器 (Locate Your Router and Modem)

Your wireless router likely has visible antennas. It’s the device that hosts your Wi-Fi network. Your router plugs into your modem, which is the device that communicates with your Internet service provider.

您的无线路由器可能有可见的天线。 这是承载Wi-Fi网络的设备。 路由器插入调制解调器,调制解调器是与Internet服务提供商进行通信的设备。

. Some ISPs offer combined router and modem units, so you might only have one device to reboot.

。 某些ISP提供组合的路由器和调制解调器单元,因此您可能只有一台设备要重启。

If you’re in doubt, find your wireless router and see what it’s plugged into. If it’s plugged directly into an outlet, it’s likely a combined unit. If it’s plugged into another device, that then plugs into an outlet, you have two devices, and the other one is your modem.

如果您有疑问,请找到您的无线路由器并查看其插入的电源。 如果直接将其插入插座,则可能是组合单元。 如果将其插入另一台设备,然后再插入插座,则您有两台设备,另一台是调制解调器。

重新启动路由器和调制解调器 (Restart Your Router and Modem)

This is a simple process, and you won’t be doing anything fancy. You’ll lose your Internet connection and Wi-Fi during the restart process, but everything will automatically reconnect in a few minutes.

这是一个简单的过程,您将不会做任何花哨的事情。 在重新启动过程中,您将失去Internet连接和Wi-Fi,但是几分钟后一切都会自动重新连接。

First, unplug the power from both your router and modem (or just the one device, if it’s a combined unit). You should see a power connection on the back of each device.

首先,从路由器和调制解调器(或一个设备(如果是组合设备))上拔下电源。 您应该在每个设备的背面看到电源连接。

Power and cable connections on the back of a router.

We recommend before plugging them back in; wait for 30 if you want to be thorough.

我们建议再将其重新插入。 如果要彻底,请等待30。

Waiting ensures the capacitors in your router and modem completely discharge and forget any settings. It also ensures that the modem loses its connection with your ISP and will have to re-establish it. Waiting might not always be necessary, but it ensures that everything is fully shut down and ready to start fresh.

等待可确保路由器和调制解调器中的电容器完全放电,并且无需进行任何设置。 它还可以确保调制解调器与您的ISP失去连接,并且必须重新建立它。 等待不一定总是必要的,但是它可以确保一切都已完全关闭并可以重新开始。

Plug the power back into your modem. (If you have a combined unit, just plug it back in.) The lights on your modem will light up, and it will boot up and reconnect with your ISP. This process might take a few minutes.

将电源重新插入调制解调器。 (如果您有一个组合单元,只需将​​其重新插入即可。)调制解调器上的指示灯将点亮,并且将启动并重新连接ISP。 此过程可能需要几分钟。

You can tell whether it’s done by monitoring the lights on your modem—they might blink different colors or in a different pattern while connecting. There might also be an “Internet” light that turns green when the connection is established.

您可以通过监视调制解调器上的指示灯来判断是否已完成-它们在连接时可能会以不同的颜色闪烁或以不同的模式闪烁。 建立连接后,可能还会有一个“ Internet”指示灯变为绿色。

Green status lights on a modem.

Finally, plug your router back into its power source. Its lights will come on—if they don’t, you might have to press a power switch in your router, but this is rare.

最后,将路由器重新插入电源。 它的灯会亮起-如果不亮,则可能必须按下路由器中的电源开关,但这很少见。

Your router will boot back up, connect to your modem, and re-establish your Wi-Fi network. Your wireless devices will begin reconnecting to Wi-Fi, although it might take them a few minutes to do so. You might want to wait another few minutes before testing to see if your problem is resolved.

您的路由器将重新启动,连接到调制解调器,然后重新建立Wi-Fi网络。 您的无线设备将开始重新连接到Wi-Fi,尽管可能需要几分钟才能完成。 您可能需要再等待几分钟,然后再进行测试,以查看问题是否得到解决。

When you’re ready, try using your connection normally and see if everything’s working. If you’ve given it some time, and the lights on your modem are blinking strangely, the problem might be on your ISP’s end.

准备就绪后,请尝试正常使用连接并查看一切是否正常。 如果您花了一些时间,并且调制解调器上的指示灯闪烁异常,则问题可能出在ISP的一端。

Cables plugged into the back of a modem that is sitting on a desk next to a computer.

If you find yourself regularly rebooting your router to fix problems, try .


快速重启路由器的方法 (A Faster Way to Reboot Your Router)

The above method is the longer, more drawn-out version of this process. In our experience, it’s often good enough to simply unplug the modem and router from power, wait ten seconds, and then plug them both back in. They’ll boot back up and automatically sort things out.

上面的方法是此过程的更长,更吸引人的版本。 根据我们的经验,通常只需将调制解调器和路由器的电源拔下,等待十秒钟,然后再将它们重新插入即可。它们将重新启动并自动进行处理。

However, some routers might struggle with this if they come online before the modem has connected to the Internet. Other devices might need more than ten seconds to ensure everything is wiped.

但是,如果某些路由器在调制解调器连接到Internet之前就已联机,则可能会为此感到苦恼。 其他设备可能需要十秒钟以上才能确保擦除所有内容。

The first method is the safest to ensure you’re performing a full reboot and proper restart on any modem and router. If you frequently have to reboot your devices to fix problems, though, try this faster method and see if it works for you. It might save you some time.

第一种方法是最安全的方法,可确保您在任何调制解调器和路由器上执行完全重启并正确重启。 但是,如果您经常需要重启设备来解决问题,请尝试使用这种更快的方法,看看它是否对您有用。 这样可以节省您一些时间。

重启与重置 (Reboot vs. Reset)

Note that “resetting” a router is another process. This term refers to performing a “factory reset” on your router, which wipes all your custom settings and returns it to its factory-default state. This option might be available in your router’s web interface. You might also see a “Reset” button on your router—usually, a small pinhole button you need a bent paperclip to press and hold—that will factory-reset your router.

请注意,“重置”路由器是另一个过程。 该术语是指在路由器上执行“工厂重置”,擦除所有自定义设置并将其恢复为出厂默认状态。 此选项可能在路由器的Web界面中可用。 您可能还会在路由器上看到一个“重置”按钮(通常是一个小针Kong按钮,需要弯曲的回形针才能按住它),这将在出厂时重置路由器。

Resetting is also a useful troubleshooting step if you’re having problems, but it’s different than simply rebooting your router or modem. It’s like the difference between rebooting your computer and reinstalling Windows .

如果遇到问题,重设也是一个有用的故障排除步骤,但与仅重启路由器或调制解调器不同。 就像重新启动计算机和重新安装Windows 之间的区别一样。




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